


Periodontics is the area of dentistry that deals with the study, prevention and treatment of pathologies that affect the tissues that protect, surround and support the teeth: gums, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and root cementum.

There are several types of periodontal diseases, but the two most important are:

  • La gingivitis. Es una afección reversible de la encía, caracterizada por la aparición de enrojecimiento y sangrado como consecuencia del acúmulo de placa bacteriana (bacterias y residuos) alrededor de los dientes.
  • La periodontitis. Enfermedad de tipo irreversible y evolución de la anterior, que ya genera destrucción de los tejidos de soporte, haciendo que los dientes, en fases avanzadas de la enfermedad, tengan movilidad o incluso lleguen a perderse.

Periodontal disease

There are several risk factors that can affect the health of our gums: poor oral hygiene, malposition of teeth that hinder proper interproximal hygiene, genetic predisposition to suffer from periodontal disease, smoking, systemic diseases such as diabetes, medications that decrease saliva secretion...

All this, together with the presence of more pathogenic bacteria, can make the evolution of periodontal disease faster and more aggressive.

How do I know if I have periodontal disease?

As it does not usually cause pain or serious discomfort, PREVENTION and EARLY DIAGNOSIS are important. Here are some signs that may indicate the existence of periodontal disease:

  • Red, swollen or tender gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gingival recession (teeth appear longer, exposing the root)
  • Appearance of spaces between teeth
  • Tooth mobility
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth
  • Changes in the position of the teeth and the way they articulate with each other

 How do we treat it?

All periodontal treatment should be aimed at restoring gingival health by decontaminating and disinfecting the bacterial deposits adhered to the surface of the teeth. At Clínica Proboca we rely on the latest (ultrasound) and laser technologies to achieve this goal in the least invasive and most effective way possible.

La reeducación de la higiene oral es imprescindible en estos casos, y es por eso que contamos con un equipo experto de higienistas bucodentales para facilitarte el aprendizaje.

With periodontal disease being a chronic problem, the initial treatment is as important as the maintenance and periodic review.


A gingival recession is a loss of gum, which normally appears on the external side of the tooth, making the teeth look longer. The loss of structures as a consequence of periodontal disease, the presence of braces, aggressive brushing techniques and dental malposition are some of the causes that produce them.

Some of the consequences are sensitivity to cold and heat, discomfort when brushing and chewing, inflammation of the gums in the area, greater ease of occurrence of cavities when the root is exposed.

A correct diagnosis to find out the cause, the re-education of harmful habits and, finally, if necessary, surgical correction with minimally invasive techniques is our strategy to solve mucogingival problems.

When we talk about surgical correction, what we are looking for is to recover the lost gum and improve the conditions of the area. Usually we use connective tissue grafts (usually from the palate) from the patient himself to increase the gum in the area., but But did you know that nowadays there are alternative materials, such as dermal matrices, which allow us to treat larger recessions without having to obtain tissue from the patient himself, reducing postoperative discomfort

Calle las Huertas, 3 bajo   CP 39740   Santoña, Cantabria

Opening hours

Monday and Thursday
9:30 – 12:30
13:00 – 20:00

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
8:30 – 16:00
17:00 – 20:00

10:00 – 14:00

Contact us

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