Some cases require the use of techniques from different dental specialties to achieve an optimal result. This is what we call complex multidisciplinary treatments..

In this particular case, see below, treatments pertaining to orthodontics, digital and emotional dentistry and cosmetic dentistry were necessary over several years to achieve the desired result.


The absence of a permanent tooth, another with an anomaly of size and a compression and narrowing of the upper jaw, make it extremely important to begin treatment at an early age, taking advantage of the growth phases.


Orthopedics is a branch of dentistry that controls and corrects growth problems of the oral and facial structures. Its objective is to harmonize the two jaws (bones), which influences aesthetics and provides a correct masticatory function, helping phonation, swallowing and, above all, breathing.

The most important thing is to detect these growth anomalies in time, in order to act as soon as possible and avoid consequences in adulthood. Jaw anomalies in a growing child can be corrected with fixed or removable appliances and with the control of harmful habits (mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, lip thrusting, atypical swallowing, unilateral chewing...) whereas if treatment is postponed until adulthood, it will be more complex and may require surgery or extraction of permanent teeth.

At Clínica Proboca we recommend a first visit no later than 6 years of age, for an early detection of these problems.


Once growth is complete and all the permanent teeth have erupted, modern orthodontics offers us the opportunity to correct dental malpositions with digital, predictable, esthetic and comfortable techniques. We are talking about Invisalign, a technique that allows us, with the sequential use of transparent aligners, to distribute spaces and move teeth to where we have previously planned virtually.

In this case, there is agenesis or absence of the definitive upper right lateral incisor and we have a very small or conoid upper left lateral incisor. The use of Invisalign® allows us to correctly distribute these compromised spaces, guiding us through the posterior esthetic reconstruction.


A facially guided design is one that you yourself test and approve. With the help of photography and the latest digital techniques,this design integrates perfectly with the features of each person. We want you to be involved in the design of your new smile, and that is why before performing the treatment we carry out a test or mock up of the final design.

Do you like it? We´ll move forward with treatment.

Don't like it? We’ll change what is necessary before continuing so that you get what you are looking for.


Composite injection techniques allow us to copy an ideal design, previously approved by the patient, in the most conservative way possible without touching the teeth involved and in a single appointment.

The high-strength flowable composite faithfully reproduces, with the help of transparent silicone guides, the proposed digital wax-up which, in this case, includes the missing lateral incisor until it can be replaced by an implant.



Calle las Huertas, 3 bajo   CP 39740   Santoña, Cantabria

Opening hours

Monday and Thursday
9:30 – 12:30
13:00 – 20:00

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
8:30 – 16:00
17:00 – 20:00

10:00 – 14:00

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